Major cool points for this mama


When Franny was a baby I vowed not to play kid music for her, hoping to avoid the endless replaying of Raffi (nothing against Raffi, seriously, but you know what I mean, right?). This backfired when Franny became obsessed with the music of Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Journey and Rihanna (umbrella, ella, ella...). It turns out, any music on constant repeat gets old fast. The girl is now over four, and though her favorite musicians include the Decemberists, Donovan, Carole King and the Beatles, she also really digs Kimya Dawson, "The Maybe Giants" (They Might Be Giants), and Portland kindy rock star Mo Phillips. We love Mo's music, and though we are extremely excited about his upcoming album, we have not grown tired of the last one, which we play very regularly. I find myself singing the songs when Franny isn't even around, and I never cringe when she asks me to play his music. So when Mr. Phillips rang me up and asked that I provide him with some fun new photos to use for promotion of his new album, I agreed to it, of course, set up the details, hung up the phone, and ran into Franny's room: "Guess who just called Mommy?!!!" It is true that I had already met and photographed Mo, but that day he was Mo the father and husband (and soccer player), so when I blogged those photos I didn't even drop his name. But this time around I was photographing the celebrity Mo Phillips, and I earned major cool points with my preschooler; she sat on my lap while I edited the photos, chose her favorites, and giggled a lot. "Mo Phillips is SO goofy." She's got that right.

If you live in Portland and have children, you should definitely check out a live Mo Phillips show. If you don't live in Portland, you should order his CD. Mo and I have a little something else up our sleeves, but you'll have to wait until April to find out about it. Happy weekend!

welcome emmeline :: portland family portraits


He calls her Red.