Preserving those memories...
At some point in 2009 my daughter and her little gang of toddler friends became known as the 2 Crew; I don't know which mama gave them this label, but it stuck. Throughout their year of being 2 these kids saw each other a lot - a nanny share group, many play dates, music time, visits to OMSI, the ,zoo, etc. And every couple of weeks the mamas tucked the 2 crew into their beds and hit the local bar for a 2 Crew Mamas Night OUT!
But as we have learned throughout this journey called Parenthood, life is ever-transforming and as quickly as we found ourselves in a comfortable routine, things changed. The kids turned three, many of them started preschool and all of a sudden we found ourselves struggling to find a day of the week when we all could get together.
Although I was unsure of what the future held, I knew changes would come with 3, and so last summer as the parties were being planned, the potty training was in full force, and change was in the air, I decided to give each 2 Crew member a very special 3rd birthday gift.
Long live the 2 Crew!
Bailey, Iris, Nova Rose, Juniper, Lelia, Oliver, Eleanor, and in back, the daughter of the photographer refusing to participate in this photo moment, Frances.
UPDATE: One of my most favorite blogs, ohdeedoh re-posted this and I could not be more DELIGHTED! I love their blog and am honored to have a little spot of my own on there.